Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Have you been told you have scoliosis?

I mentioned this word scoliosis, in the post "Understanding the causes of back, neck and jaw pain".

I want to tell you that the condition called "scoliosis" is treatable and in most cases reversible!
It is NOT a disease!
  • There is a CAUSE for this condition. In many cases, a mis-aligned pelvis will begin that process.  You fall on one butt cheek.  Your pelvis torques( 2 halves twist on each other). Your sacrum has to pull to one side. The spine follows the tilting of the sacrum and begins it's trek to your neck in a crooked manner.  In order to finally end up with your head fairly on "straight" your spine then has to curve the OTHER way and that is called scoliosis.  See below.
  • The post "What to do about a mis-aligned pelvis" describes the methods used in my office to cause your pelvis to re-align and then stay that way. 
  • Once that is accomplished, you will need to follow the targeted, simple. exercises that create space between your thoracic vertebrae and therefore allow the body to re-align the spine.  
  • It is as simple as using the exercise ball! (once you understand)

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