Most of us stand with parts of all of this poor posture!
Did you know that this posture can totally be revised?
First, let's look at the reason's we find ourselves like this.
Most often, in a day, if we examine what we do, we are in a forward leaning position. We work on the computer, slightly leaning our head forward, or hunching down to see the screen; we are cooking, leaning over the counter most often head forward; and then there is driving! most often in a slightly slouched position.
After most of our waking hours in a "forward" position there is something that comes into play.
The "fascia" on the front of our chest, especially, begins to shorten from being habitually in that position. (Fascia is the connective tissue of our body - VERY strong - holds us together down to the cellular level). So someone then tells us to 'stand up straight"! We forcefully pull our shoulders back, look good for a moment, and then go right back to the original posture.
Why? We cannot fight our shortened fascia ( tensile strength of 10,000 lbs per sq inch - that is what you are fighting!).
If we know the proper way to stretch we can
totally change this slouchy posture into this!
So then, how do we do this?
Every heard of an exercise ball? (I give some purchasing recommendations below).
If you will stretch over this every day for about 3 minutes at a time, in about 2 weeks you will be amazed at what happens.
Choose one that is right for your height, and blow it up until it is good and firm.
You then sit on it and roll out until the apex of the ball hits the area between your shoulder blades.
Tighten your abs so that your butt does not sag - you want your torso to be in a straight line. Clasp you hands behind your head and cradle it relaxing everything. Allow the fascia to st-r-e-t-c-h. It actually responds to a
slow, gentle, sustained stretch. Take about 45 seconds to a full minute.
Next stretch your hands about to either side with palms up,
again wait about a minute. Remember not to allow your butt to sag.
Lastly bringg both your hands above your head with palms up for about a minute.
If you will do this every day taking 3 - 5 minutes, even twice a day if time allows, you will certainly begin to re-set you fascia over your chest area, allowing your posture to correct.
The other benefit to these stretches, is that by reversing the habitual curve in your back the vertebrae are allowed more space and then can spontaneously begin to re-align. You may even hear a "pop", which is a great thing.
There is, however, a complication to all of this, and that is a mis-aligned pelvis.
Once we have determined that this is the problem, it is best to get that taken care of first.
I will cover that in the post called "what to do about a mis-aligned pelvis". After that, the above is all crucial for bringing the body into perfect alignment according to design!
Recommended links:
Trideer Exercise Ball (45-85cm) EXTRA THICK Yoga Ball Chair, Anti-Burst Heavy Duty Stability Ball Supports 2200lbs, Birthing Ball with Quick Pump (Office & Home & Gym)
Exercise Ball (Multiple Sizes) for Fitness, Stability, Balance & Yoga - Workout Guide & Quick Pump Included - Anti Burst Professional Quality Design
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