Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself. I am Hope Allen, and am by trade, a licensed Physical Therapist. I graduated in 1970 from the University of Connecticut, which at that time was the best school on the East coast for PT.
As time went on, I realized I was not very effective, just doing what I had learned in school! Exercise, ultrasound, electric stimulation, massage....these things were good, but certainly not enough to find the source of ones pain!
I began to look elsewhere and found a man named John Barnes with his myofascial release and cranio-sacral therapy courses. I was privileged to actually go to his clinic when it was in Paoli Pennsylvania and work alongside he and his staff. It opened my mind to the effectiveness of manual therapy.
Later, I was able to take some courses from Sharon Weiselfish-Giamatteo and also was privileged to visit her clinic in Hartford, Connecticut.
All the while I knew one day I would visit the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The day finally came several years ago and I have pursued craniosacral therapy as taught by the man that did the research, Dr John Upledger! I call it "getting it from the horse's mouth".
It really has been so refreshing to be able to treat client after client with such a very gentle technique, causing their pain to disappear.
I can usually help anyone with back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, jaw pain, and headaches or migraines. I look for the source of ones pain, after balancing the craniosacral system Most often that will do it! One of my passions is to teach the client how to help themselves, so they are not dependent on me or any other practitioner.
I make sure to leave each one with the tools to be able to rid themselves of pain long term.
In recent years I also developed a passion to be able to help pregnant mothers, whether it be as the child is growing in their womb, just before birth, or after birth. What I have found is that is is SO important that their pelvic bones are symmetical and not torqued or upslipped.
In order for this to be the case, the rest of the body also has to be balanced, which always starts with the gentle techniques of cranio-sacral therapy.
It is so rewarding to have a pregnant woman come in in such pain, she can hardly walk and to be able to relieve that pain and teach her husband how to carry out what he needs to do, to keep her pain free, for the rest of her pregnancy. It makes natural birth very much easier, actually, the way it was designed to be!
After a woman gives birth, I know it is not a "given" that the pelvis, which separates slightly to allow the child through the birth canal, goes back together symmetrically. It is very important to the well being of the mother, to come and get re-aligned about a month or 2 after she gives birth. I have seen women in needless pain and discomfort years after giving birth simply because they did not realize this.
May I just add a comment about the difference between what a chiropractor does and what I do? Many times, it is the pelvic bones, which are the center of gravity of the body, which are slightly mis-aligned. Although a chiropractor will adjust the spine, and even the sacro-iliac joints (on either side of the tailbone), they will not re-align the pelvis completely. Their realignment of the spine is great, but if the problem is stemming from the pelvic bones, which most are, a chiropractic adjustment will only be a band-aid on the problem. You will feel better afterwards but will need to continue going back. This is only because the problem was not fully rectified. You may then see a massage therapist to get relief. This is why I tell people, if you are bouncing between the chiropractor and massage therapist, come and get the problem fully taken care of, at it's source. Once you have done that, you will be able to not only live pain free, but you will have the tools to keep yourself pain free!
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